To Creating a Sustainable & Socially Conscious Event

In alignment with our company's commitment to being a socially responsible business, we are implementing as many sustainable and socially conscious event practices as possible including the follow (with more to come): 

ESG - tree (1)

Planting a tree for every single ticket bought!

ESG - plane (1)

Offsetting carbon emissions for your travel to the conference

ESG- biodegradable (1)

Partnering with local suppliers to use only biodegradable/eco-friendly signage.

ESG- paper (1)

Not printing a single paper agenda for this event! Instead a QR code or App will be used. 

ESG- lanyard

Asking attendees to return their lanyard and badge for recycling.

To Serving Our People, Planet & Long-Term Prosperity

ESG impact report

Hanson Wade Group, a company committed to being a socially responsible business.  

In January 2022, we began working with the Sustainability Group, using their FuturePlus framework to both assess our impact and contributions to various aspects of environmental and social agendas, and to shape a roadmap of sustainability objectives going forward. 

Uncover the progress made over 2022 in our sustainability journey in our Impact Report.