Day One

Wednesday 2nd October 2024

7:30am Check-In & Coffee

8:20am Chair’s Opening Remarks

An Exploration of Strategies for Meeting Net Zero Targets

8:30am Integrating Decarbonization Strategies into Your Business: Adding Value Whilst Making an Impact

  • Don Brooks Director of Sustainability, Crow Holdings


• Carbon-neutral innovation: Exploring how businesses can integrate decarbonization into innovation processes and product/service development processes to prioritise sustainability and reduce carbon footprint

• Financial incentives for low-carbon investments

• Importance of stakeholder engagement and fostering transparent communications about decarbonization efforts

9:00am Case Study: Developing A Carbon Positive Hotel: Strategies Beyond Carbon Credits (Populus Hotel in Denver, CO)


• Establishing initiatives to offset embodied and operational carbon

• Discussing the approach of carbon credits and the choice to develop without buying them

• Assessing the feasibility of going from net zero to net positive

• The importance of stakeholder collaboration in scaling up decarbonization efforts, sharing best practices and overcoming barriers to implementation

9:30am Speaking Position Reserved for Redaptive

9:40am An Overview of Emission Sources & the Best Management Practices To Mitigate Them

  • Ryan Yetzer Senior Director of Sustainability & ESG, Essex Property Trust


• Understanding the diversity of emission sources, for example- embodied carbon and operational carbon

• Setting carbon reduction targets and building the organizational capability to deliver on these targets

• Identifying best practices aimed at mitigating emissions

10:00am Morning Refreshments & Speed Networking

Transforming Real Estate Through Renewable & Green Energies

11:00am Electrifying Real Estate – Navigating Challenges & Opportunities


• Exploring innovative and cost-effective approaches to integrating electrification into new construction projects, considering factors such as energy efficiency, grid compatibility, and financial feasibility

• Considering the supply chain constraints

• Upgrading grid infrastructure to support higher loads and integrating renewable energy sources may require significant investment

11:30am Panel Discussion – Assessing Scalability of Renewable Energy Across a Diversified Portfolio


• Examination of strategies for integrating renewable energy assets into diversified portfolios seamlessly, focusing on operational optimization, asset management practices, and leveraging technology solutions to enhance performance and maximize long-term value

• Addressing regulatory challenges and opportunities impacting renewable energy deployment across different jurisdictions and market segments

12:30pm Lunch & Networking

Building Resilience Through Climate Risk Management

1:30pm Reaffirming Why Climate Risk Management Matters & Assessing Exposure Risk Across Your Portfolio


• What climate risk means to the organization in terms of physical risk

• The impact of increasing frequency and severity of climate-related events on real estate

• The methodologies and tools for assessing climate-related risks in real estate

2:00 pm 2:00pm Speaking Position Reserved for CLEAResult

2:10pm Evaluating Climate Risk Mitigation Strategies To Create a Climate-Resilient Portfolio

  • Michael Chang Vice President, Energy & Sustainability, Host Hotels & Resorts


• Examples of risk mitigation investment opportunities

• Strategies for integrating climate adaptation measures into real estate development and management practices

• Importance of stakeholder collaboration and engagement in climate risk mitigation efforts, including partnerships with tenants, investors, insurers, and local communities to identify shared risks, prioritize actions, and mobilize resources for resilience-building initiatives

Unravelling the Regulatory Environment for ESG Reporting & Compliance

2:40pm Afternoon Refreshments & Networking

3:00pm Navigating Voluntary Sustainability Frameworks for Business Success


• Understanding framework options available

• Benefits of adoption on business strategy

• Practical steps for integrating these frameworks into business operations (e.g. stakeholder engagement, data collection and reporting practices)

3:30pm Promoting Energy Efficiency in Real Estate: The Energy Star Program


• Highlighting the best practices for energy management

• Benefits of Energy Star certification for buildings

• Steps to achieve Energy Star certification

• Case studies on energy-efficient buildings and their market impact

4:00pm Roundtable Discussion: Deep Dive into City & State Specific Regulations: California, New York, Massachusetts, Washington, Colorado

  • Adam Berry Senior Program Manager, Colorado Energy Office
  • Sharon Jaye Building Performance Policy Manager, City & County of Denver


• What do I need to do to comply within this area? 

• Assessing case studies and lessons learned

• Reviewing the challenges that come with these state/city-specific regulations and ways to overcome these challenges

• Will other states follow suit?

• Can you execute a successful ESG strategy in an anti-ESG state?

4:45pm Portfolios, Performance, and LEEDv5

  • Lisa Stanley Director, Client Solutions, U.S. Green Building Council


  • Join this session to hear from USGBC, the world's largest third-party certifier and credentialling body in sustainable real estate
  • Portfolio level performance – planning, actions, and improvement of key performance metrics
  • Decarbonization, quality of life, ecosystem conservation and restoration are the pillars of LEED v5
  • Evolving role of building certifications and third-party verifications to support ESG reporting, disclosures and frameworks such as GRESB

5:15pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

5:30pm End of Day One