Samantha Klug

Company: ProLogis
Job title: Director of Sustainability
2:00pm Revealing How to Permeate ESG & Sustainability into Company Culture to Drive a Collaborative Approach 2:00 pm
Ensuring leadership commitment- lead by example in championing ethical conduct and responsible business practices Engaging the rest of your company into ESG strategy (education and training on ESG principles) Embedding ESG principles into the company's core values, norms, and organizational cultureRead more
day: Day Two
8:50am Chair’s Opening Remarks 8:50 am
day: Day One
5:00pm Chair’s Closing Remarks 5:00 pm
day: Day One
9:50am Chair’s Opening Remarks 9:50 am
day: Day Two
4:00pm Chair’s Closing Remarks 4:00 pm
day: Day Two